Sovereign God [Acts 12]

24But the word of the Lord continued to grow and to be multiplied.

In Acts 12, there is the remarkable list of events; Christians were mistreated, James, the brother of John was killed with a sword, the apostle, Peter, was miraculously delivered out of prison by an angel and Herod, the king, was struck dead by an angel.  Through it all, God’s word continued to spread and produce fruit. Whether people were good or bad, lived or died, were imprisoned or delivered, God was on His Sovereign throne overseeing it all and making sure the good news was not forgotten and that nothing would keep that news from going forth into all the world.

We praise You that You are Sovereign in every circumstance and that Your word continues to grow and to be multiplied. Cause us to trust Your Sovereignty in all of our circumstances and use us to spread Your good news.

Beth Warlick, 4/28/2009
Emma Orabelle 12/25/2023 21:38
You truly are exceptional since you have a remarkable ability for motivating others with only a few words.
Tony Adam 01/09/2024 20:12
It is incredibly inspiring to read about the events in Acts 12. A powerful illustration of God's sovereignty in the face of misfortune is provided by the juxtaposition of the suffering endured by Christians, the untimely death of James, and the miraculous deliverance of Peter.
miranda joye 03/04/2024 21:30
The chapter begins with an account of King Herod Agrippa I taking aggressive actions against the early Christian community.