God's Man [Genesis 23]

God isn't mentioned in Genesis 23. With nothing to mark, what can I learn about God? At first glance, there doesn't seem to be much to do but wait until tomorrow and hope for God to show up. However, God spoke volumes about Himself through His man, Abraham through his negotiations with the sons of Heth for Sarah's burial place. First of all, the people of Heth honored Abraham as a prince among them even though Abraham himself declared that he was a stranger. Abraham had an excellent reputation among strangers. It seems that they recognized God's hand upon Abraham and his royal standing as a believer in God somehow. In addition, you see  that although Abraham was capable of just taking what he wanted, he was extremely polite to the people of Heth casting a good reflection of our Creator who made man and loves man. Finally, when Ephron the Hittite offered the land for free, Abraham refused and paid him the price Ephron quoted. The whole deal was orderly, God honoring, and lawful with a deed being issued.

We praise You God for shining through Your Man Abraham and revealing Yourself through his actions in the death of his beloved Sarah. Cause us to allow You to shine through us through all of our dealings with others.

Beth Warlick, 2/7/2010