
 "Tools for Life" gives you the opportunity to download some of the charts that we have introduced throughout the EGP curriculum that are helpful as you deal with difficult people in your life, your expectations of yourself, conflict with others and your emotions that are out of proportion.  You can also listen to clips about how to discern God's voice and how to use the EGP Prayer Journal (under clips from DVDs).

Lesson One Video - What is Peace? allows you to view the first lesson of the DVD series for Semester One to catch a glimpse of the flavor of this discipleship course we are offering through Establishing God's Peace.

Occasionally we offer conferences and retreats for groups who are using  EGP materials.  We will post those as they occur as well.

"Gospel of Grace for Children" offers short stories for children that give answers according to the gospel and examples of children being taught how to walk by grace.  These stories were written by Verna McCrillis and were originally for her own grandchildren.  Many young mothers have asked how to teach the principles of EGP to their children.  These stories may be helpful tools for both moms and kids.